UCC3813DTR5G4Texas Instruments (TI) Also known as: Burr-Brown, Chipcon, Comlinear, Luminary Micro, Power Trends, Unitrode Category: Semiconduct Description: Low Power Economy BiCMOS Current Mode PWM 8-SOIC 0 to 70 Auth QOH 0 | Ind QOH 0 Add to Part Lists Create New List Get Inventory Alert Application Notes DN-62 Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage Mode vs. Current ModeUCC38C42 Family of High-Speed BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM ControllersUnderstanding Buck-Boost Power Stages in Switchmode Power Supplies (Rev. A)U-111, Practical Considerations in Current Mode Power SuppliesU-133A UCC3800/1/2/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current Mode Control IC'sDifferences Between the UCC3813 and the UCC3800 PWM FamiliesConditioning a Switch-mode Power Supply Current Signal Using TI Op AmpsDN-42A Design Considerations for Transitioning from UC3842 to the New UCC3802 Reference Design Negative Output Flyback, 5V Input to -150V at 130mA using the UCC3813 Request Sample Soft Tools SEPIC (5V@250mA) for Auxilliary Bias SupplyBoost for LCD TV (150V @ 480mA)Discontinuous Boost (48V @ 25mA)SEPIC (12V @ 1.5A)Boost (50V@3.6A) for LCD TV