SourceESB 35th Anniversary Celebration – what happened in the 90’s?
As part of our 35th anniversary, we will be sharing fun facts from the Industry. This month we are providing fun facts of the 90’s.
- World Wide Web/internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) was created by Tim Berners-Lee
- Seinfeld airs
- The interstate highway system is completed, 35 years after construction began
- Pentium processor invented
- Internet has 2,000,000 hosts
1994 was a Big Year
- Bluetooth was developed by Ericsson
- First DVD player developed by Tatung Company
- Boeing launches the 777, the first airliner to be developed and preassembled entirely on computers
- Stanford Federal Credit Union becomes the first financial institution to offer online internet banking services to all of its members in October
- VoIP was invented for sending telephone calls over the Internet by Israeli computer scientists Alon Cohen and Lior Haramaty
- The internet has 4,000,000 hosts and 35,000,000 users
- The e-Bay auction website was launched by Pierre Omidyar
- The Electronics Source Book creates their first website at
- NASA scientists reveal that microscopic structures found on a rock from Mars may have been formed by living creatures.
- Electronics companies agree to make Wi-Fi a worldwide standard for wireless
- First balloon flight around the world
- The Electronics Source Book Online, the newest link between buyers and sellers is available at
If you have fun facts you would like to share about the industry send them to and we will add them to the blog and other outbound messaging. Look for this month’s quiz related to the industry and distribution. There will be prizes!